Real Estate SEO Case Study


Priorities To Real Estate Company SEO

A real Estate company approached us in october 2021 with a minor online presence. They wanted to improve their local real estate SEO presence by increasing organic rankings and traffic to their website and increase clientele. At the time they signed on for our real estate SEO services, they had just 2 keywords ranking on the first page of major search engines.

Real Estate SEO Approach

Real Estate Keywords Research

🗸 We identified how potential customers were searching through extensive keywords research;

On-Page and Off-Page Optimization

🗸 We designed & implemented a real estate SEO campaign that included on-page and off-page optimization around their targeted keywords terms.

Google My Business


Growth in Indirect Queries in the month of January 2021


Growth in Map Vievs in the month of January 2021

Google Analytics Data


Growth in organic sessions in the month of January 2021.


Growth in total sessions in the month of January 2021.

Real Estate SEO Results
Keywords Ranking on First Page in Major Search Engines

Higher ranking, improved visibility and compelling content to drive traffic and business online and on mobile


October 2021

At the start of the campaign

the website ranking for

2 keywords

on Page 1.


December 2021

60 days later, the website

went from ranking for 2

keywords on Page 1

of results to ranking for

7 keywords

on the first page.


February 2022

The momentum of the

the campaign is in full throttle.

they now rank on the first

page of search engines for

14 keywords.

Book A Free Real Estate SEO Strategy Call To Start Generating Organic Leads!